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Asuransi Perdagangan

Trade Insurance is a type of insurance that provides compensation to the Insured (Seller / Bank / Non-Bank Financial Institution or INKB) against possible risk of loss due to not receiving part or all of the payment from the Buyer / Importer or the L / C opening Bank due to commercial risks. and / or political risk.


The scope of business we offer:


Export Credit Insurance (ECI),

Insurance that provides protection to the insured (exporter) against the risk of not receiving part or all of the payment of export bills from importers due to commercial risks or political risks.



  1. Provide a feeling of security to exporters in facing their export risks and increase the courage to penetrate new export markets at a very low premium cost.

  2. Exporters can offer or fulfill importers' wishes to use terms of payment with soft payment terms (non L / C but relatively have a higher risk of default (default payment) such as Documents Against Acceptance, Documents Against Payment and Open Accounts (O / A), this risk can be borne by Asuransi Asei.

  3. Exporters can meet market demand from importers, especially those in non-traditional markets.

  4. Exporters can use Export Insurance in order to obtain post-shipment export financing, where Export Insurance is an additional guarantee to the bank.


Domestic Credit Insurance (DCI) Trade Credit Insurance

This type of insurance provides compensation to the insured (seller) against the risk of loss due to not receiving part or all of the payment from the buyer in the country (domestic) due to commercial risk.



  • Increasing sales, increasing the competitiveness of sellers / sellers because it can provide more attractive offers to buyers / buyers because of the sense of security from the seller regarding the transactions carried out.

  • Providing protection against the possibility of default (Stabilization of seller / seller's financial condition) Failure to pay (partially or completely) from the buyer / buyer is a risk that cannot be avoided by the seller / seller. With insurance, the risk will shift to Asei Insurance so that the insured / seller will avoid financial loss / disruption.

  • Improve Credit Management, keep credit manager alert. They know that if they don't follow procedures properly, their receivables will be in jeopardy.



Export Bill Insurance (EBI)

Insurance that provides protection (protection) to banks that take over (negotiate) export bills of customers / debtors / exporters against defaults from foreign buyers (importers) caused by commercial risks and / or political risks. This insurance is provided to guarantee the negotiation of Export Bills for Export Bills on the basis of a Usance LC from the Issuing Bank, Document Against Acceptance (DA), or Documents Against Acceptance (DP).

  • Risks Covered: Commercial risks (prohibition of foreign exchange transfers, restrictions on import quotas, revocation of import business permits, war or other acts of hostility in importing countries) and political risks (importer goes bankrupt (bankrupt), importer defaults / defaults, importer refuses to accept goods) .

  • Coverage Fee: 85% of the losses suffered by the Bank on the disbursement of the export draft financing facility to the Customer / Debtor / Exporter who has been given a limit of coverage by the insurance



Domestic Credit Insurance Financing (DCIF) Bill Financing Insurance

Insurance that provides protection to banks that will provide financing to customers / debtors / sellers against the possible risk of not receiving part or all of the payment from domestic (domestic) buyers due to commercial risks.

  • Risks Covered: Commercial risk (Buyer goes bankrupt (Buyers' bankruptcy), Buyer is declared bankrupt (Insolvency), Buyer refuses or is unable to pay for goods that have been sent by seller).

  • Amount of Compensation: Asuransi Asei will pay compensation of a maximum of 85% of the losses suffered by the Bank on financing domestic bills (excluding interest and penalties).

  • Coverage Fee: The amount of premium is calculated from the premium rate for banks (which already have a cooperation agreement) single flat rate



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